Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Art of Listening

How good a listener are you? If you’re the boss, you may be thinking that others are supposed to listen to you, right? Well sure, but that’s only part of the equation. How important is it that you listen and do it well? As a leader/manager, you have the great responsibility of not only listening, but also actually hearing others. This may mean listening to your employees, your colleagues, your supervisor, and your customers. It means hearing the words, the messages, and any hidden meanings.

Being a good listener can benefit you in so many ways. Listening to others can provide you with the opportunity to receive valuable feedback and great ideas. It can also invite others to share with you promoting open communications and the exchange of ideas. As a good listener you will model the way and set a good example for others.

While at a first glance listening may not seem as important as the mountain of other responsibilities that you face each day, it can prove to be detrimental if neglected. There’s an old adage that tells us that having two ears and one mouth means that we should listen trice as much as we speak. Clearly there’s a great deal of wisdom in those words.

So how good a listener are you? Take some time this week to consider your listening style, habits, and effectiveness.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Modeling the Way

In the past this blog has addressed the importance of modeling the way. As a leader/manager, you have the tremendous responsibility to show people how you want them to work and behave – so much so, that it’s worth bringing up again. The old do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do may work some of the time with some people, but it’s not very effective for long-term success. Consider how you feel when someone expects one thing from you, and does something else. When you behave in this way, you give your employees reason to doubt your leadership abilities, and maybe even resent you.

Take time this week to consider how you measure up. Dedicate a couple of minutes at the end of each day to review what behavior you have modeled (and therefore inspired) for that day. Is yours the do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do approach? How effective has that proven thus far? Although it may seem like the easier way to go, it’s not a leader’s way. All of the day’s responsibilities can be tiring enough to tempt taking an easier way out, but your desire for long terms success should take it off your list of options. Leaders are not dictators or tyrants. They do not bring fear and resentment, but rather inspire all of those positive things that bring victory and success for the team and/or company. So if you want your employees to know that you expect hard work, or positive attitude, or team players, tell them, but also show them exactly that by modeling those things with your own behavior. It’s up to you as the leader/manager to model the desired behavior, and therefore model the way.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Self-Confident Leader

Consider the fact that when it comes to effective leadership, self-confidence can make all the difference in the world. A self-confident leader can project exactly that in what he does, therefore inspiring his employees to trust and follow him. So how do you improve your self-confidence? There are several things to consider here:

1. Make the decision and follow through. This applies to improving your self-confidence as well as to all the decisions that you face as a leader/manager. Accept that life isn’t always black and white, so working in grey areas will happen. Although clear right answers don’t come by too often when making complex business decisions, hesitation and second-guessing can prove to be costly – instead gather your information, consult the right sources, and make the call.
2. Make peace with your humanity and accept that sometimes you will make mistakes. Regardless of your experience, level of education, or title, you are human, and as such vulnerable to making mistakes. Turn your mistakes into opportunities to learn and improve.
3. Project the image that will inspire others. Even if you’re feeling scared and unsure, focus on what your employees need to see to inspire them. Leading others (especially in difficult times) calls for showing more courage than fear.
4. Remain in control of yourself and your team. Take on the command position by knowing and acting on expectations for self and the team.
5. Be realistic in your expectations. While striving for excellence is great, don’t set your sights on goals so high that they become unrealistic. Being a leader doesn’t equate to being a superhero (although it may appear as such at times).
6. Look for guidance. Even the best need someone to teach and help them. Having a mentor is a must. Find someone who can teach and guide you – someone to support and keep you grounded.
7. Remain inspired. Being inspired isn’t always easy. We tend to get lost in our daily tasks as we take on projects and put out fires, but you must take the time to find and keep what inspires you – that which keeps you going and helps to make sense of it all. After all, you can’t inspire others if you’re not inspired yourself.

Given that your self-confidence has a great deal of effect on your leadership abilities, it’s in your best interest to take the time to give this some thought. Improving the self is always a good idea, so take each opportunity to strive for excellence. Finally, don’t confuse self-confidence and arrogance. After all, arrogance is quite the opposite of self-confidence.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Goals for your employees

Although the beginning of a year (whether fiscal or calendar) tends to correspond with the creation of a variety of new goals, you don’t have to wait until new year to set goals. Your company most likely reviews/updates its business plan annually, and you probably have renewed business goals for which you’re responsible. The completion of at least some of those goals depends on the work done by others. It’s your responsibility as a successful leader/manager to work with your employees to develop their goals within the business setting. It’s crucial that your employees understand what you expect and what is required of them.

Goal setting should be part of the coaching and developing of each employee. Encourage your employees to create business goals of their own, then combine their ideas with goals that you and the company have for each employee. Getting your employees involved like this increases the sense of ownership and therefore the likelihood of successful goal completion.

Make sure that the goals are achievable, the desired outcome is clearly defined, and that progress is measured. Large-scale goals will have a better chance of success if they’re broken down into smaller, more achievable goals/parts. Review each employee’s progress regularly and correct course of action as necessary. Help each employee to learn from his mistakes, and recognize and celebrate his victories. Finally, remember to set an example and lead the way.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Personal goals for 2010

Last week we took the time to reflect on 2009 – the blogs, what you learned, your strengths & weaknesses. Now it’s time to consider what you wish to accomplish this year. Once you identify you goals – those things you want to change/improve – use this blog to solidify your strengths, to turn your weaknesses into strengths, and acquire new skills.

You obviously read this blog for a reason. I’ll venture out to guess that ongoing learning is part of your reason for being here. I look forward to the new year and journey ahead and hope that you get as much from reading these blogs as I get from writing them.