Sunday, July 31, 2011
The Art of Combining Leadership and Management
While fewer in numbers, there are those who have the ability to focus solely on leadership. Although equally as important, leadership focus alone misses out on the absolutely crucial tasks often associated with daily operations of a business. Our goal then, as we work on improving ourselves as leader/managers, is to successfully combine the two, and designate our attention, efforts, and energy to both. It’s not an exact science and we have to be flexible. Focus has to vary according to need, situation, alignment of celestial bodies….etc. Your job as a successful leader/manager is to pay attention and know when to wear what hat. You must be able to not only assess the situation as it looks at the moment, but also to anticipate the future as much as possible.
Keep in mind that your journey’s focus should be on ongoing improvement. As we strive for excellence (not perfection), the journey has no real end. Instead, the achievement of each goal is but a stepping-stone as we move forward.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Leading by Example
Put yourself in a position of having to follow a leader who sends the message of do as I say, not as I do. Whether he actually says those words, or conveys the message with actions (or lack thereof), your response will be the same. Why should you follow a leader who doesn’t walk the walk? Would you find yourself questioning his ability to lead? How much respect would you have for him?
If you want your employees to take you seriously, all of these questions are worth asking as you examine your own position and leadership skills. Do you invite your employees to follow you as their leader by leading by example? Do you have their respect? Do you treat them as capable professionals, or as children who should simply do as you say, not as you do?
Set an example for others and inspire them to do what you want them to do by doing the right things yourself. It’ll be easier to get your employees on your team, and having their respect will make it simpler to be a more effective leader. Remember that your success as a leader is a work in progress, but it’s in your hands nonetheless. Learn from your mistakes and search for opportunities to improve yourself every day.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Persuasion and Relationships
Consider the fact that relationships are a crucial part of everyone’s day at work. As long as we have some kind of contact with other people, we’re experiencing relationships. Successful managers/leaders know how to build relationships that are productive and beneficial. Power of persuasion can be quite handy when it comes to building relationships in the workplace because the right relationships can help to take you and your team to new levels of accomplishment.
On the other hand, your ability to influence and persuade your current employees depends on your existing relationships with each individual. Their image of you influences how receptive they will be to your persuasion attempts – trust, credibility, and expertise all play a big part. It’s in your best interest as an effective manager/leader to take care of the relationships in your professional life.
It’s a simple truth that the ability to influence appears to require building or having some kind of relationship. This seems to be the case regardless of the nature or longevity of the relationship. Whether it’s a store clerk influencing a sale or a manager working with people he sees daily, the ability to influence depends on relationships and our persuasive talents.
Given the importance of this topic, it’s worth expanding on a previous post that discussed some of the current theories of persuasion. Silberman (2000, p. 123) speaks of three ways to influence people – by connecting with others, assessing needs, and making a persuasive presentation. These suggestions make perfect sense. Connecting with others simply opens up a doorway for your persuasive attempts. Being able to correctly assess others’ needs, affords you the opportunity to provide the perfect solution. Finally, you can use the first two to make your persuasive presentation more effective.
Silberman, M. & Hansburg, F. (2000). People Smart: Developing Your Interpersonal Intelligence. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publisher, Inc.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Coaching Through Generations
Coaching and developing others today differs from what it was years ago. For the first time in history, companies employ people from four different generations. The Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and Millennials that all work side by side (Lancaster & Stillman, 2005, p. 4). While companies have been learning to deal with diversity, many have overlooked the generational differences variable. Just like anything else, coaching and developing is bound to be affected by the kinds of differences that result from generational clashes.
Each generation has a different history, they’ve been influenced by different events, people, and things, and they have different goals, expectations, and values (Lancaster & Stillman, 2005, p. 18). A coach has to take all that into consideration. How can someone be an effective coach, communicate efficiently, and understand and support his coachee if they come from seemingly two different worlds? The things that are important to one person may not be as important to someone else.
A successful coach will first and foremost be aware that generational differences exist and are real. He will be willing to think outside the box and look at another point of view. In order to transcend generational differences, there has to be understanding, flexibility, and open-mindedness. It may not be easy to coach someone who is the same age as your parent or child and seems to speak a different language. A good coach, however, will be able to look beyond all that. Can you? Are you able to find a common language and bridge generational differences? Step back and consider your coachee in terms of his/her generation so that you may tailor your approach to best suit the experience.
Lancaster, L.C., & Stillman, D. (2002). When Generations Collide: Who They Are. Whey They Clash. How To Solve The Generational Puzzle At Work. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, Inc.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The Leader’s Role in Others’ Learning
Helping others to learn implies more involvement on the part of the instructor. A different kind of relationship has to exist – one that underlines partnership. When it comes to choosing what and how to teach, helping others to learn suggests not only allowing the learner to be involved in the decision-making process, but encouraging it. This approach resembles coaching, where one person is there to guide and support the other, and to hold them accountable for what they’re learning. At the same time, during this process the leader is being held accountable herself, which gives her opportunities to learn.
Teaching comes in many styles and can be done in a variety of ways. Teaching others seems to focus more on conveying information and leaving the decision of what to do with this information up to the learner. Although teaching can be done in an involving and active way, the relationship has more of a top-down feel/structure (rather than the partnership seen when helping others to learn). Learners can sit through a presentation daydreaming and absorbing nothing. Accountability is not as great for either teachers or students in this approach.
Which approach seems most appropriate for you? Can you identify situations where one method would’ve been the better choice? Practice teaching others and your success rate will increase.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
What kind of manager are you? What’s your management style? Are you leading by example? When is the last time you reviewed your leadership plan? What about your vision for the company (or your department)? Have you been coaching and developing your employees? These are only a few of the questions which should have your attention on a regular basis. Take the time to do some spring-cleaning to ensure that you’re doing your best. You probably take the time to assess others’ performances. Why not reap additional benefits by devoting some of that energy to a self-evaluation?
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Polarity Management
When parents teach children how to share, they’re addressing a polarity issue, where two interdependent answers are both right. The child is taught that by sharing she can create a win-win situation where both she and her friend get to enjoy something (Johnson, 1998). In adulthood, polarity management can equally invite people to seek win-win solutions. It can promote looking at the whole spectrum of available choices, seeking the advantages of all alternatives.
Johnson (1998) warns that neither the one-answer approach nor polarity management can offer best results on their own. He further states that polarity management is a “supplement to either/or thinking not a replacement” (p. 4). So as we coach and develop others, we can enjoy the benefits of adding polarity management to the picture. It will promote a broader range of options to the coachee. When someone is struggling with finding a solution to a problem, invite them to look at the other side of the spectrum. This may offer a whole new interpretation of the original problem.
Johnson, B. (June 1998). Polarity Management: A Summary Introduction. Polarity Management Associates.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Feedback from Employees
Why is this important? For one, you never know where the next great idea can come from. Your company is full of individuals with ideas. Just as customer service reps will have the most direct feedback from your customers, process improvement ideas can come from people directly involved in said processes. However, benefits of seeking out employee feedback go far beyond process improvement and understanding what your customers want. Every time you ask for feedback, you send a message to your employees. You show them that you’re interested and that you’re listening. It demonstrates your respect and appreciation of your employees, which in turn fosters better employer-employee relationships, creating more satisfied and loyal employees. By now, we all know that a happy employee is a more productive employee. This is just another way of connecting with your employees – one that benefits all involved.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Partnering With Your Employees
It’s much more productive to partner with your employees by taking the time to coach and develop them, and by nurturing and utilizing their strengths. Take some time to get to know your employees. This doesn’t mean spending countless hours chatting with every member of your team – a few minutes on a somewhat regular basis will suffice. Start by browsing through previous posts (specifically ones focusing on the coaching and development of your employees, and on ways of utilizing their strengths and talents). The efforts that you put into managing your employees have a direct, positive correlation with the results that you’ll see. Get the most “bang for your buck” the smart way, not the hard way.
Suggested reading (previous blogs): October 2009; 11/3/09; 2/6/10; 4/11/10; 8/22/10; 10/24/10
Sunday, March 13, 2011
A business-setting coach can utilize this knowledge to set the coachee up for success. In order to establish the kind of atmosphere that promotes the achievement of high expectations, positive attitude and respect must be conveyed to the employee. It’s crucial to keep in mind that non-verbal communications (such as body language) can be a powerful way of projecting messages (Livingston, 1988, p.6). It is also of great importance that a manager has confidence in his own competence. When working with a coachee, a coach can utilize the Pygmalion effect by seeking out opportunities when he can express his expectations of the employee’s success. While keeping the goals attainable, the coach can show confidence in the employee’s abilities.
A coach can assume one of two motivating forces driving his employees: the desire to contribute and advance, or a wish to do as little as possible. Gaber refers to this as Theory Y and Theory X, respectively (1987, p100). By assuming either set of motivations, management pre-sets expectation of their employees, which can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies.
Gaber, B. (January 1987). I’m OK, You’re Theory X. Training, 99.
Livingston, J.S. (September – October 1988). Pygmalion in Management. Harvard Business Review, 3.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
What’s in a vision?
But before a vision can inspire and be shared by others, it has to inspire you – the leader. Your vision must be in harmony with your own values, and you must be willing to set an example with your own actions. This goes back to the idea of walking the walk rather than telling people to do as you say, not as you do. It’s your task to convey the image of an exciting future to others, appealing to shared values and aspirations, thusly enlisting them to share the vision. If others see your passion and enthusiasm, they’re going to get curious. This curiosity provides you with the opportunity to share your vision with others, hopefully inspiring them and enlisting their help in achieving that vision.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Influence Tactics
Interestingly enough, influencing subordinates seems to rely on rationality just as heavily. People respond much better to being told to do something when they know and/or understand the reasoning. Letting your subordinates know why you want them to do something illustrates your respect for them, encouraging a favorable response to the request. Coalition is the second most highly used tactic with subordinates as well. This seems to suggest team building by aligning ourselves with others within the company.
People relate to their co-workers on a more similar level, making our influence tactics a little different from those that they use on superiors and subordinates. Tactic choices seem more evenly spread out across the board. People still like to use rationality, but ingratiation, coalition, exchange of benefits, and upward appeal are just as likely to be utilized when influencing co-workers.
Rationality appears to be the most effective influence tactic. Presenting a case using facts and reason helps to paint a clear picture to the other person. It shows respect for the audience by suggesting that they’re intelligent enough to see the facts and make the right decision. Blocking and sanctions, on the other hand seem least effective. They’re negative in approach and they can result in unpleasant feelings for both parties. Blocking and sanctions alienate people and hurt the sense of teamwork.
Situational factors can greatly influence the effectiveness of each tactic. When the audience refuses to cooperate, rationality or the exchange of benefits may not work. Harsher tactics may have to be employed. In some instances, the audience may not have to capacity to understand the reasons behind the request (such as when dealing with children). Tactics have to be adjusted to tailor our approach in a way that improves our chances of influencing the other person.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Minding Your Emotions
High emotions are not only a bad example for your employees, they can also affect your business decisions. A decision that may be emotionally satisfying at the moment may prove to be disastrous (and irreversible) in the long run. Furthermore, making emotionally charged decisions will create an atmosphere of uncertainty, where irrational decisions are a high possibility. No one likes to walk on eggshells, especially when the reason is the boss who has the potential to “flip out” at any time.
Although leader/managers are fully human, and therefore emotional creatures, you have a responsibility to keeps your emotions in check, make rational decisions, set a good example, and promote a healthy work atmosphere. No small feat, but it’s all part of the job. If you think all of that is difficult, imagine trying to manage a group of emotionally irresponsible or unstable people. Instead, mind your emotions and give them something good to imitate.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Self-Confident Leader
1. Make the decision and follow through. This applies to improving your self-confidence as well as to all the decisions that you face as a leader/manager. Accept that life isn’t always black and white, so working in grey areas will happen. Although clear right answers don’t come by too often when making complex business decisions, hesitation and second-guessing can prove to be costly – instead gather your information, consult the right sources, and make the call.
2. Make peace with your humanity and accept that sometimes you will make mistakes. Regardless of your experience, level of education, or title, you are human, and as such vulnerable to making mistakes. Turn your mistakes into opportunities to learn and improve.
3. Project the image that will inspire others. Even if you’re feeling scared and unsure, focus on what your employees need to see to inspire them. Leading others (especially in difficult times) calls for showing more courage than fear.
4. Remain in control of yourself and your team. Take on the command position by knowing and acting on expectations for self and the team.
5. Be realistic in your expectations. While striving for excellence is great, don’t set your sights on goals so high that they become unrealistic. Being a leader doesn’t equate to being a superhero (although it may appear as such at times).
6. Look for guidance. Even the best need someone to teach and help them. Having a mentor is a must. Find someone who can teach and guide you – someone to support and keep you grounded.
7. Remain inspired. Being inspired isn’t always easy. We tend to get lost in our daily tasks as we take on projects and put out fires, but you must take the time to find and keep what inspires you – that which keeps you going and helps to make sense of it all. After all, you can’t inspire others if you’re not inspired yourself.
Given that your self-confidence has a great deal of effect on your leadership abilities, it’s in your best interest to take the time to give this some thought. Improving the self is always a good idea, so take each opportunity to strive for excellence. Finally, don’t confuse self-confidence and arrogance. After all, arrogance is quite the opposite of self-confidence.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
How Motivating Your Employees Is Good For You
This log has in the past discussed the idea of motivating your employees. Knowing what truly motivates people involves effort on your part. You as the leader/manager must take the time to speak with people on a regular basis. We’re not talking about hours of elaborate sessions, but instead a few minutes on a somewhat regular basis. Listen to what they’re saying, as well as to what they’re not saying. In other words, you may have to read between the lines to get the real message. It’s not because people are trying to be deceitful. Some may simply feel guarded in what they express to their manager, merely wanting to say the “right things”.
While some people may be motivated solely by money, other employees may respond to formal recognition, or may be satisfied simply knowing that they do a great job. Keep in mind that some employees may not even completely understand what it is that motivates them. Taking the time to talk to them gives you an opportunity to help them figure it out.
So how is any of this helpful to you? Once you know what motivates an employee, the two of you can formulate a plan that will optimize his performance and increase his satisfaction. Understanding what motivates someone allows you to offer to him the most effective kinds of rewards. Motivated employees mean better results, which can be translated into things like higher productivity and better goal achievement – something that any manager can appreciate.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
How Good Are Your People Skills?
1. Coaching and developing employees
2. Leading and inspiring employees
3. Encouraging and motivating employees
4. Supporting employees & peers
5. Setting an example/modeling desired behavior
6. Developing beneficial relationships
7. Utilizing available talent
These are just the tip of the iceberg. Surely, you can add to the above list.
When was the last time that you assessed your people skills? Do you know where to begin such an assessment? Think about you behavior around others. Are people open and trusting with you, or are they reserved and seem fearful/mistrustful of you? Are you available to others and willing to listen to them and answer their questions frankly and honestly? Such simple questions can provide a good appraisal of your people skills.
This kind of assessment is even more important during tough economic times. Do your employees know that you value and appreciate them? Are they stressed and stretched to the max? If so, do you encourage them to rest and re-charge? Are their talents aligned with their tasks and projects? Limited resources and reduced numbers of employees make it crucial for us to work efficiently and utilize the available talent to the max. This also means maximizing our own talents and focusing on self-improvement. Take the time to consider your people skills. No matter how good they may be, there’s always room for improvement. The better your people skills, the better your relationships, and ultimately the better the results of all of your efforts.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The Art of Listening
How good a listener are you? If you’re the boss, you may be thinking that others are supposed to listen to you, right? Well sure, but that’s only part of the equation. How important is it that you listen and do it well? As a leader/manager, you have the great responsibility of not only listening, but also actually hearing others. This may mean listening to your employees, your colleagues, your supervisor, and your customers. It means hearing the words, the messages, and any hidden meanings.
Being a good listener can benefit you in so many ways. Listening to others can provide you with the opportunity to receive valuable feedback and great ideas. It can also invite others to share with you promoting open communications and the exchange of ideas. As a good listener you will model the way and set a good example for others.
While at a first glance listening may not seem as important as the mountain of other responsibilities that you face each day, it can prove to be detrimental if neglected. There’s an old adage that tells us that having two ears and one mouth means that we should listen trice as much as we speak. Clearly there’s a great deal of wisdom in those words.
So how good a listener are you? Take some time this week to consider your listening style, habits, and effectiveness.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Goals For Your Employees
Although the beginning of a year (whether fiscal or calendar) tends to correspond with the creation of a variety of new goals, you don’t have to wait until new year to set goals. Your company most likely reviews/updates its business plan annually, and you probably have renewed business goals for which you’re responsible. The completion of at least some of those goals depends on the work done by others. It’s your responsibility as a successful leader/manager to work with your employees to develop their goals within the business setting. It’s crucial that your employees understand what you expect and what is required of them.
Goal setting should be part of the coaching and developing of each employee. Encourage your employees to create business goals of their own, then combine their ideas with goals that you and the company have for each employee. Getting your employees involved like this increases the sense of ownership and therefore the likelihood of successful goal completion.
Make sure that the goals are achievable, the desired outcome is clearly defined, and that progress is measured. Large-scale goals will have a better chance of success if they’re broken down into smaller, more achievable goals/parts. Review each employee’s progress regularly and correct course of action as necessary. Help each employee to learn from his mistakes, and recognize and celebrate his victories. Finally, remember to set an example and lead the way.