Part of being a great leader/manager is setting the right example for others. Part of setting a great example means not only being aware of your emotions, but also being in control of them (and the related behaviors). Emotions are part of being human, but emotional reactions must be kept in check at the office. It’s one thing to show excitement or disappointment, but emotional outbursts are an absolute no-no. The last thing a leader/manager needs is for his people to think that highly emotional behavior is acceptable at the office. When emotions run high, others may catch the fever and things can escalate.
High emotions are not only a bad example for your employees, they can also affect your business decisions. A decision that may be emotionally satisfying at the moment may prove to be disastrous (and irreversible) in the long run. Furthermore, making emotionally charged decisions will create an atmosphere of uncertainty, where irrational decisions are a high possibility. No one likes to walk on eggshells, especially when the reason is the boss who has the potential to “flip out” at any time.
Although leader/managers are fully human, and therefore emotional creatures, you have a responsibility to keeps your emotions in check, make rational decisions, set a good example, and promote a healthy work atmosphere. No small feat, but it’s all part of the job. If you think all of that is difficult, imagine trying to manage a group of emotionally irresponsible or unstable people. Instead, mind your emotions and give them something good to imitate.