An effective leader absolutely must be able to motivate his people. This seems like such a basic concept, but things that I’ve witnessed time and again remind me of just how many managers simply don’t seem to understand this. While people are at work for a paycheck, there has to be there more to it. Yes, the very basic agreement between a company and its employees is that work is performed in exchange for compensation. However, stopping there will severely limit your success potential. Employees need to feel valued and appreciated.
Do you make sure that your employees feel valued and appreciated? How do you do that? It doesn’t have to be costly or complicated. Recognizing people’s hard work can be as simple as a handshake and a “thank you” or as formal as a plaque presented in front of the whole company. It can be as inexpensive as a pair of movie tickets or as fancy as a cruise. How much would it cost to buy bagels or pizza for your department as a sign of your appreciation for their efforts? Now compare that with how it would make your employees feel.
This is very simple – a happy employee (and a motivated employee) is a more productive employee and more loyal employee. It’s completely within your power as the manager/leader to help improve the experience that your employees have at work. So put on your thinking cap and implement some simple ideas that will help you to motivate others.