Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dealing with stress at work

Work can be stressful – especially during challenging economic times. Chances are that you and your employees are facing more pressure and more responsibilities. As a leader/manager it’s your duty to model desired behavior by demonstrating how to best deal with stress. If you’re reacting poorly and not handling your own stress properly, your employees will see that. Not only will it be unclear to them what is acceptable behavior for dealing with stress, they won’t have much of a reason to come to you for guidance regarding this issue. Why would they seek you out if you don’t handle your own stress effectively?

Whether you promote blowing off steam by engaging in physical activity, utilize laughter as your choice of medicine, or simply talk to someone to get things off your chest, having at least one way to reduce stress is key. Keep your own stress in check and feel confident that you’re modeling desired behavior to your employees. Of course, it may be a good idea for you to get involved in helping your employees deal with their own stress. Go beyond simply modeling behavior. Give them ideas. Give them tools. Whatever you do, be active in reducing your stress and help your employees reduce theirs.