Thursday, December 17, 2009

Integrating Knowledge and Values

Setting an example is a big part of the leader/manager’s responsibilities. One of the most important aspects of creating a multicultural organization is the examination of individual beliefs and attitudes. Being able to relate effectively in diverse settings helps us to create better relationships with our internal customers (other employees) and external customers (company’s customers). How we relate to others greatly affects our ability to work as teams. As we learn to not only tolerate and accept others, but to actually appreciate them, the amount of (service) energy we put into our dealings with them increases. As our efforts increase, so do our chances of success. Others can see how much energy we’re putting into something. Their perceptions of our efforts, in turn, affect how they interact with us. The idea of service energy offers a straightforward way of looking at how our own attitudes and efforts affect our ability to create a multicultural organization, and to then fully utilize it to better our business.